Changing course

Changing course
The idea to change course came in the summer of 2021. We both had nice full-time jobs and were quite satisfied with our lives. However, when Rob searched for B&Bs on the internet just for fun, he stumbled across the Harz and we fell in love. The environment, the clearly defined seasons, the hospitality of the people, the multitude of holiday possibilities, the reasonable distance from the Netherlands ..... All this attracted us very much.
Then the doubts came. Do we want to keep doing what we do now until our retirement or do we jump in the deep end and leave everything we know behind for a new adventure! Since neither of us could get the idea out of our heads anymore, we seriously started looking for suitable buildings. One thing we quickly agreed upon, it had to be in the South Harz, preferably the lovely town of Bad Sachsa.
With a little help from an expert in "changing course in life", we found this little gem and had already set our mind to it even before the viewing. So we made an offer and were able to buy the property. Then we had to sell our 2 houses (yes we did not live together at that time) in the Netherlands, which were sold quickly. Quitting our jobs was the next step.
In August 2022 we made good use of our summer holidays by spending a week with the previous owner working side by side. After that we had 2 months to prepare the move and say goodbye to family, friends, colleagues and voluntary work. Then we embarked on the unknown adventure.
From 1 November 2022 we have really emigrated and we give everyone a "harzlich wilkommen" in our beautiful guesthouse.